RDA-C and GIZ commit to export enhancement
Regional Development Agency-Centre will implement the “Export Enhancement Project”, supported by the German Government, through GIZ Kosovo within the project for Creating Employment Through Export Promotion.
The project aims at improving the ratio of export/imports, through tailoring such a program that will enable local businesses to export their products and services not only in the region, but with a strong focus in Western Europe and beyond. The idea is to exclusively include businesses that are not part of business associations and support them in the job site with everything what it takes to export their products. This will be carried out through Export Mentors, who are specialists in exporting, and who will deliver services to businesses at the job site, in other words, work with businesses on a continuous basis (for a specific period of time) until Mentor Exports will deliver on the job support through their expertise all the necessary works that need to be done by businesses before they decide to engage in exporting activities. The initiative will be carried out by RDA Centre through Export Mentors. There will be five regions, each region covered by one Export Mentor. Export mentors make independent visits to assigned region and identify potential businesses that have capacities for export.